Saturday, 29 March 2014


The children completed a wudu booklet with Sister Moona, they had to fill in the blanks or draw a picture showing the wudu procedure. We had a lovely discussion about why wudu is made and how it can be broken. And as expected lots of bathroom humour for good measure!!!

Thursday, 6 March 2014

The 5 Pillars and Surah Nazi'aat

For Quran the children are continuing to work on surah Nazi'aat. Its been two weeks since their last last lesson, but mashallah the children have kept going with learning and practicing at home. 

This week Umar and Abdulla worked particualry well when reciting the Quran. Brother Suffian found choosing between the two very difficult. Abdulla went away with the trophy for making less
mistakes and for consistently trying his best, well done.

The children worked with Brother Shizad on the five pillars of Islam. He got the children to first make a house of cards, which proved to be difficult for them. He then began to make a house of cards slowly and explaining how as muslims we have five pillars: Shahadah (declaration of faith), Salah (five prayers) Zakat (charity), Sawm (fasting in Ramadan), Hajj (pilgrimage to Makkah).

Brother Shizad explained how important each pillar is in order to be strong muslims, if one pillar is weak then our imman will also be weak like a house of cards. The stars then cut and pasted a description of one of the five pillars to each pillar on a worksheet.

Friday, 21 February 2014

Companions of the Prophet presentation

We haven’t had Deen Club for a couple of weeks because the teachers and children are off school for half term. But to keep the children (and parents) on their toes, we organised a presentation for them to prepare. The children needed to research one sahabah or sahabiat and talk about him or her for ten minutes.

The venue was the beach so the children did not have Power points or videos to help them, which made their presenting skills a little more challenging. Consequently (though not that surprising) they did very well in presenting their special companion to the listeners.

Hafsa started off with Abu-Talha al-Ansari (RA), she presented two short stories to the group. Her first story was Abu-Talha (RA) and the beautiful bird; she acted out the part of the bird. She then read out the story of Abu-Talha (RA) and his guest.

Umar complete with a red bandana presented Abu Dujana Simak bin Kharasha (RA) using a large poster.  Abu- Dujana frequently distinguishing himself in battle by wearing a red band on his head, and would often strut in front of his enemies showing them he wasn’t scared. Abu Dujana (RA), during the Battle of Uhud, received several wounds in his back after placing himself around Prophet Muhammad (RA) so as to act as a protection from arrows.

Layth started his presentation with the adhan (call to prayer,) who is he going to talk about we all wondered?... Bilal (RA) of course! Layth went through different parts of Bilal’s life beginning with him being a slave to his conversion. From his persecution at the hands of the Quraish, and his life as a free Muslim. Layth worked his way through a number of posters which illustrated these important points in Bilal’s life.

Hmm I wonder who Khadija will present to the group... how about Khadija bint Khuwaylid (RA)? Our Khadija was the only person who presented a female companion which made listening to her presentation all the more interesting. She talked about her life before marrying Prophet Muhammed (SAW) and her conversion to Islam. Khadija handed out word searches and a maze for the children to complete when they get home- jazzakullah khair Khadija!

Huda finished off with Umar ibn al Khattab (RA), she had questions to ask after each part of the presentation just to make sure nobody was falling asleep. Huda chose Umar (RA) because she admired his fearlessness. She also talked about his late conversion to Islam and his role as caliph after the death of Abu-Bakr.

Everyone wriggled in their chairs when they heard about Huda asking questions, gulp!!!

We ended the presentation by going around and asking the audience who their favourite companion is, some people explained their reasons as well. We hope that these great companions become our children’s role models, their lives are studied and their way of living put into practice, in sha’Allah